Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A ranchers work is never done

"I'm gonna help!"

"See I can do it."

"You missed a spot dad!"

Wyatt and Craig painting our "wood" barn.
When we put in our wood boiler, we recycled some old slab barn wood for the exterior. Craig decided it need a coat of paint. So it matched the rest of the "ranch."

Man, there's nothing like watching a cowboy work.
um,um, um.

PS. Craig will probably kill me because I posted these. But I think they are great!! Love you babe!


Phil said...

the picture of Wyatt and his dad painting the barn together is a perfect Hallmark card for Father's Day -the one with Craig reaching up and Wyatt looking down. It is classic, the country life, the barn, dad's embarrassing farmer's tan... That is such a great picture. You will see it framed at our house when you come down. Phil

The Farm Crew said...

Awweee. Thanks Phil. Aren't they just too cute for words?!?!! I'm glad you guys enjoyed them. Can't wait to see you guys. SOON I hope!