Monday, June 13, 2011

Salt: is it worth its weight?

While surfing the ‘net the other day, looking for topics to post about, I came across an interesting website.  I think I fell in love!  Its call, visit it hereIt’s a GREAT resource.  I can tell I will be visiting it often.  The basis of the site is useful tips and ideas.  Everything from cleaning issues, to crafts. 

One thing I found, and found interesting, is this series of 25 Household uses for Salt.  Here the list, with explanation.

1)  Fire starter: Soak pine cones in a table salt and water solution so they’ll burn with a yellow flame. (see site for directions)

2)  Enamel Cookware stain remover:  Fill cookware with water and stir in a small handful of salt.  Soak overnight.  The next day boil the salt water for about 20 minutes then dump and wash in hot soapy water.

3)  Natural Pesticide Spray: 2 tablespoons salt + 1.5 gallons warm water.  Mix salt and water to dissolve, allow to cool to room temperature.  Use for spiders mites, caterpillars, cabbage worms and chewing insects.

4)  Weed killer:  An effective weed killer, but keep in mind that significant amounts will cause damage to surrounding soil as well.  Should only be used in places where you want NO plant growth (like driveways, sidewalks, underneath decks and patio blocks, around the foundation of a house, etc.).  To use, a ratio of 1 part salt to 2 parts water.  You can also drizzle salt directly on weeds!

5)  Cracked Egg Clean-up:  If you have ever dropped an egg on the countertop or floor, you know what a sloppy, slimy mess it is to clean up!  Next time drizzle salt generously over the egg, wait a few minutes until it’s dry-then the mess sweeps up easily.

6)  Wicker Furniture Cleaner:  Scrub with a warm salt water mixture.  (Use a soft bristle scrub brush)  Bonus:  the salt keeps the wicker from turning yellow.

7)  Rust Stains in Laundry:  Table salt and cream of tarter, equal parts, will remove rust stains.  Wet the spot.  Spread the mixture on thickly.  Then place garment in the sun.

8)  Removing Sweat Stains:  Mix a solution of 1 quart warm water with 4 tablespoons table salt, soak garment.  Launder as usual.

This is just a smattering of the useful tips.  Salt has endless uses.  Home remedies, cleaning aides, garden tips and uses.  Hope you learned a little.  I know it did!

Love from The Farm

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