Monday, April 1, 2013


I haven't completely fallen off the planet.

Slipped a little bit, but not fallen.

I haven't had much inspiration lately.

I have misplaced my motivation.  AND my brain to mouth filter is completely on the fritz.

However I have found a couple new bloggers/blogs that have inspired me recently.
SO I will be back on track very soon.

They reminded me that I have to remember to post from ME.  My heart.  My life.  My opinions, as inappropriate as they sometimes may be.  Me and all my craziness, dripping with sarcasm, foul-mouthed-ness, and "if you don't like it, walk away" attitude, unfiltered.

That's why y'all love me anyway!!

See ya soon!!
The Unfiltered Farm Wife


Unknown said...

LOL!!! I think you should call this blog "The Unfiltered Farm Wife" hilarious!!!

The Farm Crew said...

Kim, maybe I need a new one>> LOL