Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Post, Farm Update

Well, here it is.... my first official post, a farm update.

Here is an update of all the happenings on the farm. This summer we "rehabbed" the pole barn. Gave it a major renovation is more correct. In July we removed all of the OLD NASTY concrete and replaced it with LEVEL SMOOTH new concrete. Also, the old vintage rusty (tetanus shot required) steel siding is officially gone. In its place is shiny new rustic red wall steel with a bright white roof and accents. Its starting to look like a real farm around here!

We did a little lawn and garden work. Nothing major.......this year. Craig built me a beautiful arbor and trellis to surround about half of our paver patio. We used old wooden ladders for the arbor portion. The ladders were recovered/discovered during our "barn cleaning" days. I have saved them more times than I can remember from the fire pit, chainsaw, or dumpster. It turned out exactly as I had imagined. Now I can't wait to plant the trumpet vine to cover it. Thank you Honey, I don't know what I'd do with out you.
Also, I replanted/rearranged some of the flower gardens. Added some new, recycled some old, shared a few, and just generally changed some. I think I'm finally getting them the way I'd like them...... Until spring. The veggie garden is growing leaps and bounds. We seem to have an abundance of green beans at the moment. If all of our tomatoes ripen, we will have an excess. Corn looks good. Hot peppers, oh my! I'm not sure what I was thinking when I planted about 24 plants..... Can you say "SALSA"?

Our other big change for the year is more of an economical and environmental one. After last winter and the rising costs of fuels, we made the final decision that we had to do something....... So after many hours of looking online, reading brochures, and physical looking, we purchased and outdoor wood boiler system. By our calculations the cost of unit will be offset by the cost of what we WERE paying in heating fuel in about 3 years. WHAHOOOOO!!! Anything we can do to say a little money and be, maybe, a little more earth friendly is a great idea.

Mr. Wyatt is growing like a weed. Learning at the speed of light. It continually amazes me how quickly he learns something new or figures out how to do something. It's hard to believe that he will be 3 in December!! Where does the time go. Let's see, right now he's big into..... Thomas the Train, Little People movies, loves daddy's tractor, going out the woods with dad, and just in general anything boy. Quick story: a couple of weeks ago, I pointed out a toad while we were out at the pole barn. He wasn't to sure what to think of this little hopping thing. He just continued to look at him, toss a stone so it would move, watch some more. Well about a week ago, there was a rather LARGE toad in the big barn. So he chased it a bit, thought it was pretty neat. Over the weekend, we found a similar small toad in the yard. "MAMA, I hold him, I hold him!!" he squealed. We ENJOY him so very much, and can't imagine life without him. We are truly BLESSED!
(I'll post pictures of all our projects, critters, and wyatt soon. Sorry it didn't have them for this post.)

I hope all of you are having an enjoyable summer with your friends and family. I know we are. We are blessed with great families and wonderful friends.

"Family isn't about whose blood you have. It's about who you care about"
Trey Parker and Matt Stone
Hugs and smooches to all,

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