Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hot Feet

Ok.  So.  Hubs and I are officially the going to HELL.  Why, you ask.   Well that would be because of the all the “fibs” and “little white lies” we’ve told in the last week or so.

Here’s the story……

About a week and a half ago, Lil’Dude started in about Christmas.  Longer than that actually, as all of the retail stores around here have had ornaments and decorations out for at least a month, which is when it really started.  But about a week and a half ago, he really got into the idea of Christmas.  Thusly, the discussions of Santa “watching” to see if your naughty or nice.  And how he “watches” all the time.  At school, at home, on the bus, at Grandmas, etc. 

So on Monday of last week, Lil’Dude was a M-O-N-S-T-E-R!  I mean, wanting to pull my hair out, back talking, sassy, snotty, whiny monster.  Now Mondays can be challenging on any given week, due to “getting back in the routine.”  But this particular day was ……. WHOA!  exceptionally challenging.  With that, I told Lil’Dude the story of the “Naughty or Nice List.”  This is step one of going to hell.

The story goes a little something like this……   Every year as Santa starts checking his “list”, every little boy and girl are on the Nice list.  But, as they misbehave, part of their name starts to disappear.  Letter by letter.  As the letters disappear off the Nice list, they begin to appear on the Naughty list.  UH OH!!  Naughty list means COAL!  And all of your presents go to a boy or girl on the Nice list.

So, there was a minor, and I do mean minor, change in attitude.  Tuesday was a better day, which it usually is.  But by Wednesday we were back in the battle.  Ughh.  Really.  Come’on man, cut me some slack here.  With reaching the limit, Hubs decided to play a joke on Lil’Dude.  Which goes something like this:  (ring, ring)  “Well HELLO Santa.  Yup, he’s here.  Oh, really.  Hmmm.  Sure.  I’ll tell him.  Thanks for calling.”  “Who was that dad?”  “Dude, it was Santa.  He called to tell me, to tell you, that you just lost ONE WHOLE letter off your name.  Bud, that’s not good!”  (Lil’Dude walks into living room, where I am during this exchange, with eyes the size of dinner plates.)  “Mom, I lost a “T”.  What am I going to do?  Do you think I can get it back?”  “Well son, I’m sure with some work you can earn it back.  But that will take behaving, doing what is asked of you, no sassy talk, no talking back.  Being good.”  Conclusion of step two of going to hell.

Hubs, who is always thinking, picked up the book “Elf on the Shelf” after work on Thursday and brought it home for Lil’Dude from SANTA.  Have you seen this little gem??  The author of this story is BRILLANT!  Deserves a gold star from every parent with a young child(ren).  Let me tell the story of “Elf on the Shelf” and step three on the road to hell.  The pack includes a beautiful hard cover book and a little “Elf”.  The story goes:  Santa has sent you this elf to “keep an eye on you.”  Every night the Elf goes back to the North Pole to “report” to Santa on your behavior.  (LOVE IT)  When he returns from his trip to the North Pole, he “hides” in a different spot to “watch” you.  You can’t touch the Elf, as he will loose all of his magic, and not be able to return to the North Pole and report to Santa on your behalf.  You can talk to him, but he won’t talk back as he just listens and watches.  OH, and most importantly, you can not tell anyone about him.  (I’m dying here)  So. At this point Hubs hides the Elf and the book on the front porch for Lil’Dude to find, as it’s from Santa remember.  Hubs and Lil’Dude find said Santa package, and snuggle in to read the story.  I’m in the kitchen preparing dinner, listening to the exchange between them.  DYING.  Trying to contain myself.  Trying not to laugh.  Trying not to give it away.  About to pee my pants the whole time.  About half way through reading the story, I chime in…. “I figured it out.  I solved the mystery.  I know why you got the little Elf.  Remember Santa called Dad last night about you loosing a letter.  I bet that’s why you got the Elf today.” (Step four on the road to hell.)  With big eyes, and not real sure what to believe, “oh, mom…. do you think that’s why?  I don’t know.  I don’t think Santa sent him.  I don’t know if he’s real.”  “Oh, I’m pretty sure.  Are you willing to NOT believe?  I’m NOT.”


Here’s our Elf.  His name is Elvin Elf.  (You have to name him.  Oh and register him, so Santa knows where he is.)  He spent the first night on the table in the kitchen.  The next morning was just as funny as the night before.  Lil’Dude jumped right out of bed to see if Elvin was still on the table.  Which he wasn’t.  He flew to the North Pole and back and landed in a new spot to “watch.”    Once he found him, it was “Good Morning Elvin.  Have a good day.  I’ll be good at school today.  Just so you know.”  (about pee’d my pants again)

So everyday since his arrival Elvin Elf has landed in a new location in our house.  Its almost become a game to find him in the morning.  And a GREAT tool to keep the sass at a minimum. 

As much fun as we are having with this little gem, my feet are getting hot.  Why you ask.  That would be the flames of HELL tickling them.

Happy holidays…. from hell….. Love from The Farm.

PS.  As I sit here writing this post he is telling Elvin Elf what he would like for Christmas.  A light up Lightsaber.  A new bike.  A pack of stickers.  Stick on the walls race track.  LOL!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


There was a Hot Air Balloon Festival in a near by town.  They celebrated with multiple “launches” and one night “glow”.  It was very cool, clear, and calm the evening of the “glow”.  So Lil’Dude and I took a drive, hoping we hadn’t missed it. We missed a landing show, but had perfect timing for the “glow”. 

Here are some of the pictures for the evening.


It was really enjoyable.  Go if you ever have the chance.

Hugs, in the dark, from The Farm

Kindergarten. Oh My!

As September drew near, we started making preparations for Lil’Dude to start his first year of school.  Kindergarten.  Oh My! 

How did this happen?  WHEN did this happen?  My little baby boy was going to kindergarten.  Can’t be.

New school.  New teachers. Riding the bus.  Going to a babysitter’s.  New routine.  New experiences.  Oh My!

Momma decided to take the first week of school off from work.  Why, you might ask.  Well, let me tell ya.  It was a miserable first week.  Under estimated chaos.  I am so glad I did.  Here’s the story.


Tuesday:  6:30 am “Oh LORD.  Please give me the strength to be a coherent and pleasant person this early in the morning!”  Rise and shine.  Get dressed.  Have a special breakfast.  Wait for the bus.  Wait for the bus.  Still waiting.  At 7:20 am we watch the bus turn the corner and miss his stop.  So, unprepared to be among the living, I throw myself together, and off to town we go.  Momma takes Lil’Dude to school for the first day.  (Now, to clarify, I HAD planned to meet him AT the school to walk him into his class for the first day.  Not just let him fend for himself.)  At 8:00 am we arrive at school and walk to his classroom.  8:05 brings a FULL MELT DOWN!  Oh, and I do sincerely mean a MELT DOWN.  Crocodile tears, sobbing, runny nose, clinging to the legs, wailing for me not to leave.  (Please Lord, give me the strength not to scoop him up and run for home!) Teacher swoops in and saves the day.  My hero!  (Teachers teaching kindergarten are worth their weight in GOLD!) 8:15 after the sobbing , him not me, I head to the office to inquire as to why he was missed by the bus.  The lovely office secretary calls to the bus garage, “good to go” for tomorrow. Yeah, right.  Momma spends the rest of her day…..LOST.  At 1:30, I pick him up from the babysitter (1/2 day of school) looking like a H-E-R-O!!  Day One Done!  Thank God!

Wednesday:  6:30 am, up and at it, again.  Urgh.  Mornings SUCK!  Same routine, breakfast, brush teeth, jacket, book bag.  Let’s watch for the bus.  7:20 bus rounds the corner, again, and missed Lil’Dudes pick up.  AGAIN.  REALLY?  People lets get it together, please.  So once again, I throw my self together, head to town, drop him off at school.  For a bonus, the drop off went really well.  YAY.  8:15 I arrive at the bus garage to discuss the lack of pick up.  Interesting conversation.  Have ya noticed that I’m a redhead? And a pissy redhead at that?  It’s early, I’m crabby because your forgetting my kid.  So the discussion is civil but stern with the director.  I am assured that he will be picked up on Thursday. (Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it.)  So for the rest of the day I had schedule a number of errands to complete while I had some time to myself.  While I was gone, Mom and Granny were up to our house working on the garden, getting things ready to can.  So at 3:00ish I decided to head home, visit with Granny for a minute before heading to get Lil’Dude from the babysitter.  At 3:15, as I am rounding the corner (a 1/4 mile from home I might add), I receive a call from the bus garage.  They proceed to tell me that someone put Lil’Dude on the wrong bus.  THE WRONG BUS.  THE W-R-O-N-G BUS.  Seriously.  He was on the bus to come HOME instead of the bus to the babysitters.  Oh, and was someone home to get him.  OH MY GAUD!  After a serious meltdown on my part, stern conversation with the bus garage, I greet him getting off the bus with a big smile and hugs.  He thought it was awesome to ride the bus home.  Whhheeeewwww!  I was ready to make heads roll in the school district.  Did you notice that I’m a redhead?  We have a slight temper.  Slight.

Thursday:  6:30am  Wake up praying for a “normal” school day.  Breakfast, dressed, teeth brushed, backpack & jacket on waiting for the bus.  7:20am Bus comes.  YAY!  We walk out to get on and…. MELTDOWN.  Full on meltdown.  Tears. Clinging to my legs.  Sobbing.  IMAG0051DSCN1746  CRAP!  So I wave the bus on.  Throw myself together, AGAIN (I am becoming a pro at this by now), and head to town.  8:00 Drop off at school, goes smoothly.  Thank God!  The rest of the day goes as planned.  Off the bus at the babysitter like planned.  Picked up by momma like planned.  Life is good!

Friday:  Same routine.  Only the whole day goes off without a hitch.  He gets on the bus.  SUPER YAY!  Maybe this whole school thing won’t be so bad.

I am very happy to report that he LOVES school.  Adores his teacher.  Has lots of friends.  Enjoys riding the bus.  Has fun at the babysitters, with a buddy from preschool.  Life is good. 

Oh and Momma has made an agreement with morning.  We have agreed to live together peacefully, gently, calmly.  We will never be friends, by we are coexisting.

Love from The Farm

Monday, August 15, 2011

Nasty little Bastards!

Ok. So I’ve talked about being a farm wife. I’ve talked about gardening. I will be talking about preserving. I will be talking about preparedness.

RIGHT NOW, I’m going to talk about “preserving” my “garden.” I’m going to talk about “preparing” to SLAUGHTER these nasty little bastards that have invaded my beautiful garden! (FYI, there are only two things I REFUSE to do at the farm. One is carcass disposal. I don’t care how the critter died, or where, that is my Hubs’ job. It said so in our wedding vows! lol The second is dealing with ‘mater worms! Just so you know.)


Do you see them? Do you? Do you really see them? I HATE TOMATO WORMS!! They creep me out on level I can’t even begin to explain. Yes, I realize they are just caterpillars! But these little creeps lurk on limbs on my plants, hiding out like Jesse James. Sneaky! And it never fails that I reach for a ‘mater, and WHAM! there’s one just waitin’ for me!

I’m gagging!

I’m freaking out!

I’m yelling obscenity's I can not repeat!


Look at those beauties! Currently they are about the size of SOFTBALLS!


Roma’s for salsa! ohhhhh baby!!


But do you see what those nasty little bastards have done to my beautiful ‘mater?? Do you see?

They are munchin’ away on my gems. They having breakfast, lunch and dinner on the leaves. You can see above that they about eaten ALL of the leaves OFF!!

Ok. Gotta go! Creeped out or not, they die tonight. “Hold on chickies, momma’s got a plump juicy snack for you!!”

Love from the Tomato-worm-killin’ Farm Wife

Family Fun Night at the park

DSCN1610“See mom, I’m excited.  Now lets go play  on the go-carts!”


Louie Loon even stopped by for a visit.  He is a riot!!  So much fun!!


Hubs and Lil’Dude took an adventure on the “bumper boats.”  Momma stayed on dry land.  But some how I still managed to get a little wet.  Hummmm, I wonder how that happened.  Wet fun was had by all.


Wait for our turn at the go-carts.  Momma kicked butt!!!  “If you’re not first, you’re last!” and “Rubbin’s racin’ son!”  LOL








Water war between Team Y and Team E.  My boys kicked butt!!!

(Hubs took a new job with a large design/build company.  It’s my understanding that every summer they have a “Family Fun Night.  This summer we were able to participate.  They rented out an entire family center for the employees to have for the evening.  We had access to bumper-water-boats, go-carts, mini golf, mini coaster, laser tag, arcade, water war, and indoor golf.  We had a blast.)

Happy Summer.  I hope your enjoying it.  Hugs from The Farm.

Forth of July Celebration


Hi! I’m Lil’Dude.  And Yes I’m a HAM!

Say Cheese!!!


We celebrated Independence Day with a parade in our small community.

Hugs from The Farm

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oh food! Fried Herb Chicken

I am not a big lover of “fried” food.

I am not crazy about fried chicken.

I am not silly over cooking greasy food.

So here is how I made a quicker-than-grilling fried herb chicken.

Last night, running way behind schedule as usual, chicken was on the menu.  Herb chicken actually.  It was too late to start the grill, in my weird opinion.  So a little Mrs. Dash, EVOO and a medium heat skillet, and ta-da dinner is on its way!

I started by warming a stainless skillet on medium heat.  A couple rounds around the pan with EVOO, probably about 1-2 tablespoons.  Two medium chicken breasts sprinkled with Mrs. Dash.  One thing it took me FOREVER to learn is, HOT pan equals seared meat equals meat not sticking to pan.  Also HOT pan with EVOO add meat and LEAVE IT ALONE! 

Don’t touch it!

Don’t even think about touching it.

Don’t even look at it!


Well not literally, but that’s the only way I can keep myself from wanting to fuss with the meat.  Then it sticks.  Then its burnt.  Then its in the trash.

Anyway,  I figured it takes approximately 8ish minutes per side of a medium chicken breast to cook fully.  (And still be juicy inside.)  The outside should have a delicious golden color to it.

There really isn’t a “greasy” taste or texture to it.  In my diluted mind, it’s not really frying because there’s not a drop of breading, it’s not swimming in greasy-nasty oil, and it doesn’t come out dripping in fat.  AND by definition, EVOO is supposed to be a “healthy oil/fat.”  So there! 

Along with the chicken, I threw together a quick salad of mixed greens and some fruit. 

Total fat: na-da!  Ok, I’m sure there’s a little hidden in there some where.  But not enough to count.  Again, its my story!

Total taste:  Fabulous!!!

Total cook/prep time:  not much.  I would say about 20-25 minutes.

Happy healthy eating, The Farm 

Oh food! Grilled Steak & Herb Fries

Healthy Eating, Day dos! (two)

Ok.  Life got the better of us over the weekend.  With an open house, family time, and Farm life, we lost sight of our plan.  Just a little bit.  But we still ate well.  Just not all the recipes I had planned, and we are a bit out of order.

So one the menu Sunday night was Grilled Steaks & herb fries. 

All things considered, this ones quite easy.  Not much of a recipe, but more of a hodge-podge of ingredients.

Here is what I used and how:



I used EVOO, minced garlic, pepper, and Worcestershire sauce to make a “smmmeaarr” for the steaks.

Not as much a marinade, as it is a grilling sauce.




EVOO, my dearest love Mrs. Dash, and balsamic vinegar and mini portabella's.





Cut up portabella's.  Drizzle with EVOO and balsamic.  Sprinkle with Mrs. Dash.  Place on top rack of grill about 5-7 minutes after you start the steaks.



Grilled Herb Fries.

Again, EVOO and Mrs. Dash.

It really can’t get easier.

Make foil packet with all ingredients.  Place on grill about 10 minutes prior to starting steaks.


Here it is all grilled up.  Husband (picture on left) doesn’t like ‘srooms.  Weirdo!!!  So his steak is naked.  (Side note: he doesn’t use dressing on his salad either. Told you he was weird.)  My steak (picture on right) has all the yummies!!

Start to finish this delicious hearty meal took about 25 minutes.  INCLUDING PREP AND GRILLING!


Good eats from The Farm

Oh Food! Bourbon Salmon

Here is the low down on night one of the Healthy Eating Dinners.

On the menu is Bourbon Salmon, green beans, salad.

The Bourbon Salmon is a modification of my favorite Lone Star “Sweet Bourbon Salmon.” 

Here’s what you need:

1 head of Romaine or salad greens

2-3 4oz Salmon fillets

4-6 ounces of pineapple juice (I used 2 Tbsp of honey instead, I didn’t have pineapple juice in the pantry.  Pineapple has a nice tang, good compliment to the recipe.)

1/4 cup of bourbon  (I use Jack.  And a bit more.  I don’t like to drink it, but I sure like the zing it provides in the recipe.)

2 Tbsp brown sugar

2-3 Tbsp of Worcestershire sauce

1/3 cup olive oil (I like vegetable oil better.  I think olive oil has too much flavor for this particular marinade.)

Pepper & garlic (powder or minced, your choice.  Little bit of each, to your taste.) 

I add a dash or two of onion powder.  That’s just me, and I like it that way.  Add if you like, don’t if you don’t.

Ok so, here’s how it goes.  Combine all ingredients except for salmon into a bowl or zip-lock bag.  Mix well.  Reserve some of the marinade for applying while grilling.  Once well combined, add salmon fillets.  I recommend soakin’-up-the-marinade-lovin’ for about 2-3 hours.  But because salmon is such a lovely fishy, it looovvess marinade and soaks it up well, so you can rush it and apply all of it while grilling.  Grill on medium heat.  The sugars can burn, so watch it carefully.  It takes about 3-4 minutes per side, depending on your “doneness” preference.





Home grown.  Home canned.

From my garden, green beans.






Dinner is served.

Salad, green beans, and Bourbon Salmon

Healthy.  Quick.



It is sooooo delicious. 

Ok. So.  I have a confession.  I haven’t made it by the recipe in quite some time.  Usually it is a “gurgle of this” and a “dash of that” and a “shakey shake of this” and a “glug of that.”  Take it.  Modify it.  Make it your own.

As a side note, or hint, or another option or add on to the recipe list it would be try a bit of red pepper flake.   A little “heat” is a great touch to this recipe.

Hope you enjoy it.  Let me know what you think of it, if you try it.

Love and yummy eats from The Farm