Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oh food! Fried Herb Chicken

I am not a big lover of “fried” food.

I am not crazy about fried chicken.

I am not silly over cooking greasy food.

So here is how I made a quicker-than-grilling fried herb chicken.

Last night, running way behind schedule as usual, chicken was on the menu.  Herb chicken actually.  It was too late to start the grill, in my weird opinion.  So a little Mrs. Dash, EVOO and a medium heat skillet, and ta-da dinner is on its way!

I started by warming a stainless skillet on medium heat.  A couple rounds around the pan with EVOO, probably about 1-2 tablespoons.  Two medium chicken breasts sprinkled with Mrs. Dash.  One thing it took me FOREVER to learn is, HOT pan equals seared meat equals meat not sticking to pan.  Also HOT pan with EVOO add meat and LEAVE IT ALONE! 

Don’t touch it!

Don’t even think about touching it.

Don’t even look at it!


Well not literally, but that’s the only way I can keep myself from wanting to fuss with the meat.  Then it sticks.  Then its burnt.  Then its in the trash.

Anyway,  I figured it takes approximately 8ish minutes per side of a medium chicken breast to cook fully.  (And still be juicy inside.)  The outside should have a delicious golden color to it.

There really isn’t a “greasy” taste or texture to it.  In my diluted mind, it’s not really frying because there’s not a drop of breading, it’s not swimming in greasy-nasty oil, and it doesn’t come out dripping in fat.  AND by definition, EVOO is supposed to be a “healthy oil/fat.”  So there! 

Along with the chicken, I threw together a quick salad of mixed greens and some fruit. 

Total fat: na-da!  Ok, I’m sure there’s a little hidden in there some where.  But not enough to count.  Again, its my story!

Total taste:  Fabulous!!!

Total cook/prep time:  not much.  I would say about 20-25 minutes.

Happy healthy eating, The Farm 

1 comment:

Design Thoughts~Kim said...