Thursday, June 9, 2011

Homemade solutions to common problems, Part 2–Household

As I committed to do, here is part two of Homemade Solutions.

Just a bunch of miscellaneous random ideas.  Some are mine, some are borrowed.  Enjoy!

Makeup Brush Cleaner:  A mixture of distilled water, baby shampoo, and rubbing alcohol.  Mix in a small, resealable container.  Swirl brushes in mixture.  Remove excess water.  Let brushes dry completely before use.

Natural Fabric Softener:  1 cup baking soda, 1 1/4 cup warm water, 8 cups white vinegar, 1/3 teaspoon of essential(s) oil of your choice.  Mix together vinegar and water.  Then add baking soda gradually, use LARGE pail to accommodate the fizzing. Pour mixture into 1 gallon jug.  Add essential oil.  Shake well to mix.  To use: Shake well.  Add 1/2 –1 cup at the start of rinse cycle.  I haven’t used this, or even tried it.  I’m not terribly big on “softener.”  I usually hang clothes on the line as long as weather permits it.  :)  ONE thing I have found that is awesome to use as a “softener,” and have used a lot, is tennis balls.  They bounce around the drying, making an awful noise, but really fluff towels, soften up jeans, and work wonders on the decreasing the dry time of most objects.  They are a MUST if you self-clean down comforters or throws.

Smelly Jelly (Gel Air freshener):  (best stored in small Mason jars, like jelly or 1/2 pints) 2 cups water, 4 packages gelatin(plain), 15-20 drops essential oil, 1 to 2 tablespoons salt, food coloring (optional).  Mix together 1 cup water, essential oil and food coloring in small pot, as soon as it boils, remove from heat.  Dissolve gelatin and salt in mixture, completely.  Then add last cup of water (cold), gently.  Pour into jars and set aside for a few days so it can “set up.”    Once set, put a lid on, punch holes to allow fragrance to escape, and enjoy!  This is a pretty neat thing to do with kids too.  It’s a great project for them to “give.”  I haven’t found that they last very long, but most gel-smelly’s don’t.  I like that its “natural.”  One less “chemical” in the house.

De-skunk:  1 quart 3% peroxide (store bought is 1.5%), 1/4 cup baking soda, 1 to 2 teaspoons of soap (not shampoo).  For large pet, add one quart of warm water.  BE CAREFUL to not get this solution in pets ears, eyes and mouth.  Lather thoroughly and deep into fur.  Let solution stand 5-10 minutes on pet.  Rinse well.  Note: wear goggles and a gas mask!  Do this process outside!  If you have never smelled a “skunked” dog before, trust me when I say this, IT WILL MAKE YOU GAG!!! Literally.  It is the most stomach wrenching stench known to man.  Plan on throwing out what ever articles you are wearing during and using during this process.  The STINK will never come out of clothing completely!  My stomachs jumping just writing this.

What shall we remedy next??  Any requests??

Love from The Farm

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