Thursday, June 2, 2011

Homemade solutions to common problems, Part 1

I am no rocket scientist. 

I am not even that resourceful.  Though, I DO have some great resources.  And I use them, refer to them, and sometimes, even get stuck in the pages of them.

I would like to think that maybe I’m thrifty.  GREEN.  Clean.  Even if only a little bit.

ANYWAY,  Here are a few of my favorite things.  Some are great ideas I have figured out on my own.  Some are things I have read about, and used, that really work.

Hope they are helpful, useful solutions to your everyday common problems!  ;)

1) Peppermint.  Did you know that mice HATE the stuff?  I didn’t.  Read about it during a time of GREAT frustration.  (At The Farm mice are an issue.  I’ve come to terms with them, it.  I don’t have to like it.  I don’t like it.  But, where we live, there are part of the “deal”.)  I found that if you get peppermint oil (The real stuff.  Not the “flavoring” kind.  Preferably from an Herb Store, as it is of higher quality and potency than other types.)  and put a few drops on a cotton ball, the nasty little buggers avoid it like the plague.  Whaaahoooo!  SCOOOORRREEE!  I tried it this past winter after discovering the little devils had devoured some yummy treats in my pantry.  I can honestly say, that it has been 6 months, and NO sign.  Nadda.  Zip-o! And my house smells a bit yummy in the process…… bonus!

2) Tansy.  Ants, dirty little bastards, avoid it.  They give me the creeps. But again, dab a few drops (again, essential oil from an Herb Store) on a cotton ball, place it in the areas you’ve seen them.  Presto, their outtahere! 

3) Witch hazel.  This is like the ubber-dubber, holy smackers, good stuff.  It works on everything.  Acne? Dab a bit on it with a cotton ball, and whall-aha, blemish gone.  Oh and as an extra added bonus, it doesn’t dry out your skin like the Sahara. Bug bites or general itchys?  Presto!  Takes the itch away.  No Calamine Lotion needed here.  Got a babe with a serious case of diaper rash?  Slather a little on, no burning, and its healed up in no time.   Had a late night out with the girls? Had a little too much fun at that office party?  If you wake up with bags under the eye, again, dab a bit on.  Ta-da!  Bright eyed!  Whomp your leg the night before your event with that great little black dress, and whamm-o, huge bruise?  Dab it on.  It speeds up the healing process.  Razor burn? Rub it on before or after a shave, and the itchy bumps, presto, are gone.  Sun burn? Dab it on a soft cloth and rub it across you sore skin to ease the redness caused by inflammation.  Oh and it helps prevent peeling.  Who knew!?

4) Vase cleaner.  I love getting fresh flowers.  Whether it some my husband sent or ones W picked from the garden.  But I hate the uckys left at the bottom of the vase.  You know the ones.  Left there by the dishwasher, the ones you can’t reach with a dish cloth.  Solution: Add a couple tablespoons of salt (or dry beans work well too) to a couple inches of water in the bottom, and swirl. Clean!

5) Cleaning mini blinds.  I’m talking about the plastic or metal louvered ones.  NOT fabric.  Take the blinds down.  Fill the bathtub about half way with moderately warm water.  1/2 Cup of powdered dishwasher detergent.  Give the water a generous swirl to dissolve detergent.  Then dunk the blinds, repeat as necessary until they are clean of all their grime.  The bonus, dishwasher detergent don’t leave a residue.  BONUS!!

6) Vegetables.  Live in the city?  Want “organic” choices for your family? Want to grow veggies, but don’t think you have the room?  Porch pot gardens are the answer.  Every year my mom grows small amounts of veggies at the River House in pots. (As the BIG garden is at The Farm)  Green beans, specifically “pole”, can be grown up any trellis.  They don’t need a huge amount of space, and a dozen or so plants will bear enough to feed a couple people most of the summer.  Tomatoes do wonderfully on a patio.  I know people that are “city dwellers” that will grow up to a 1/2 dozen varieties on the patio.  Plums, grape and beefsteak (for burgers).  Trellising plants will allow you to grow watermelon, pumpkins, honeydew, spaghetti squash, etc in pots.  One of my clients at LI even grows corn in porch pots!  Happy gardening!!

7) Pantyhose.  (For Jenna) They are a creation of the DEVIL!!!  I’m not even sure if I even own a pair anymore…..  Anyway.  Did you know that if you are trellising (see #6) vining fruits (watermelon, squash, etc), you can use a pair of pantyhose to create a “sling” to support your growing fruit.  The ubber cool thing is that the pantyhose has so much flex that it will expand as your fruit grows.  AND, the sun and rain do not break down the fibers!  How COOL is THAT!!??!!  What a great way to “recycle” a pair to the “devils garment”!

I will rack my noggin for more useless knowledge to share with you.  So… More to come…….

Hugs from The Farm!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAAAAAAAAAAYYY!! The POST I ahve been waiting for!! Just in the last week, you have helped me 1.cure the itchys on Liams Ear 2. Get rid of the MAJOR ant problem in my pantry and 3. create abs, but and legs of steel...well, ask me in 30 days if # 3 came true!! A big THANK YOU to you M.E!!