Wednesday, February 22, 2012

They are breeding!!!

Ok.  I am a kid from the 80’s.  Do you remember the movie Gremlins?  I do.  I don’t recall being crazy about it when it first came out, but grew to like it.  (I have no idea why)  Haven’t seen it in years.

The story line goes a little something like this:  Dad buys son a small, furry, singing creature called a Mogwai in an antique store in ChinatownThe owner of the store explains that owning one is a great responsibility.  There are three specific instructions in caring for the Mogwai: never expose it to bright light (especially sunlight, which will kill it); never get it wet (which will make it multiply); and, most importantly: never feed it after midnight. He gives the Mogwai the name "Gizmo".  If any of the no-no’s happen, them multiply into these evil little creatures called Gremlins.  They are sneaky, naughty, trouble causing little monsters.

We think these little creatures live in our house and are multiplying.  LOL  They are breeding!  I didn’t feed them.  I didn’t let them sunbathe.  And I most certainly didn’t give them a bath.

I have managed to misplace, completely loose, and just plain can’t find multiple items.  I say its Gremlins versus admit I have a serious, incurable case of CRS. (Can’t Remember Sh!t, in case you didn’t know, or forgot.  har har)  And I (we) have been on the hunt for the following items since… well I can’t remember how long.  Here’s the list:

  • My favorite pair of ear buds.  It is awful to run with out your favorite pair.  :( I’ve purchased a few other pairs since, and they are just not the same.
  • Two sets of liners for my rubbers. (aka rubber farm boots.  Get your mind out of the gutter you sick-o!   LOL)
  • Hubs lost his fairly new Leatherman tool.  Searched every where.  Gone.  He’s lost with out it.  Not literally, otherwise we would really be up a creek!
  • My favorite pair of flops.  (aka flip flops)  Yes I realize that here in our Mitten state it is technically winter, bleh, and they are not a suitable choice of footwear, I do bust around the house in them all winter.  Easier on the feet than being bare. Again, gone.
  • Mittens.  Don’t even get me started on how many pairs of those little devils my previously mentioned Gremlins have eaten this winter.  I think I should own stock in a mitten company.  Hats, too, for that matter.
  • My favorite garden/farm book has disappeared.  Gone.  Lost.  Devastated.  I was so desperate to find it that I actually went out to the garden to see if by some crazy chance I left it in the garden.  As if I would miraculously find it buried under a foot of snow.  Well, duh!  It’s always in the last place you look, right?  Nope.  Gone.

That is just to name a few. 

This is similar to that little troll that eats the left sock in the dryer.  Only the left.  And always of your favorite pair.

Damn you Gremlins.  Damn you!

So what to do?  Well… I haven’t been able to locate an exterminator for this specific infestation.  So I guess it’s time to admit defeat, move on, purchase  new and put them in the SAFE.  OH, and buy my Gremlins some birth control.

Love and frustrations from The Farm

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