Thursday, December 6, 2012

December: Friend or Foe

Here it is again.
This time of year that I love, so very much.  And dread.  All at the same time.

December at The Farm is CRAZY busy.

I had grand plans of "being ahead of the game" this year.  (laughing uncontrollably)  Which is the same philosophy I have EVERY year.  But, this year I thought it might actually happen.  I thought I was on plan.
Nope.  Not so much.
I was wrong.  Again.

So here's a little run down of our insanity for your entertainment:

  • Turkey day was here with a flash and a rush.  We ate like Kings.  Swelled like balloons.  Shopped like nuts.  There was oodles of Family to be had and enjoyed.  It was the first time, in more years than I can remember, that I shared Thanksgiving with BOTH of my parents (and in-laws) under the same roof.  For that I am very Thankful, among many other things.
  • Clark Griswold has visited our house.  Its fabulous!  It is mellow by Clark standards, but "AWESOME" by Lil'Dude standards.  The structure is dripping in lights.  Things staked down in the flower gardens.  Lights wrapped around railings and posts.  Fake trees and antique sled are out for display.  And that's just outside.  Inside looks like the Christmas Gods puked on everything!  Its awesome!  The tree has been up since Gobbler day.  We have been slowly pulling out the interior decorations and getting them out & about.  Ribbons and Bows are up on the cabinets.  Fresh garland up on the stair railing.  Christmas dishes are out and in the cupboards.  The Rodolph nativity scene is on the mantle.  The noise-making-snow globes are up.  (ugh)  The clingy decorations are up on ALL of the windows.  Christmas books are out for reading.  The stocking are hung.  I think we are ready for the Big Guy!
  • ELVIN IS IN THE BUILDING!  Our "elf" Elvin has officially arrived again this year.  Lil'Dude could hardly wait for him to arrive this year.  It is a rush out of the bed every morning to see where he "landed" from the night befores trip to the North Pole.  Its great!  Elvin has been pretty mellow with his mischief so far.  But I have a feeling that is about to change.  :))  (A look at Elvin and his shenanigans to come)
  • CookieFest 2012 is about to commence.  Yes.  That's correct.  Let the baking begin..... at my house... this year..... with family.... and friends.... and kiddos.... and raw cookie dough..... and chocolate.... and frosting.... and wine.... and margaritas..... and peppermints.... and rock candy.... and brownies.... and buckeyes..... and cookies.... and cookies.... and gourmet pretzels.... and cookies.... oh and did I mention RAW COOKIE DOUGH?  Just checking!  I can't wait.  My oven might not be so excited, but we are!  (Pictures and post to come soon)
  • Seven years.  How did this happen?  Our Lil'Dude is turning SEVEN.  7!  Holy moly!  Where does the time go......  This year there was a request for a "special" or themed party.  Ok.  We can do that.  Oh.My.Goodness.  Who knew it would be such a production, and of course my lack of planning has nothing to do with that.   Bwwwhahahahahahaaaa!  So LEGO Ninjago party here we go.  But finding the gear for this extravaganza has been interesting.  Some of my mommy friends have, over the years, recommended using Etsy.  So I gave in, dove in, and am in love!  I have communicated with some wonderful "shoppe" owners.  Found oodles of GREAT things.  Invitations, decorations, cake toppers, thank yous, pin up thingys, and stickers.  Awwwweeesssssooommmee!  So a Ninjago party he will be having with all the fixin's.  (I will post the who, wheres, wares, and hows with pictures after.)
  • Christmas program at school.  First Grade is the first year that our Lil'Dude will be able to participate in the "All School Sing" program at school.  He's pretty excited.  We are pretty excited.  I will be sure to have multiple cameras charged and ready to go!
  • Family EatFest 2013.  Well its actually "Christmas" with my dad's side of the family, the aunts and cousins.  After the New Year.  No gifts.  Just time together. Eating.  Yummy foods.  And desserts.  And I get to cook!!  For like 30 people!  Its AWESOME!  The requests have already been submitted, and are being prepared for.  I can't wait!
And then, before we know it, it will be time to start the festivities for Christmas.  FaLaLa La La La LA! 
We are really excited that Hubs' brother and his family will be with all of us for Christmas this year.  They are in Colorado, so we haven't seen them in almost three years.  And our newest nephew, who will soon be one!  We can't wait to have the  time to spend with all of them! 

Whew!! I'm thinking I might catch a break in February.  And a nap. 
Happy Holidays, for our Farm to you and yours!  The Farm Wife

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