Friday, January 20, 2012

Resolutions. Let’s get REAL!

Yahoo! said that some of the tops resolutions for 2012 were:

To loose weight (I think that has been on the list since time began.  I mean really, lets be a bit more original)

To be more organized  (I really wish I knew someone, personally, that was truly organized. Really, bonafied organized.  No mail on the counter, closets like Martha Stewart, and shirts neatly pressed and arranged by color.  I think I might have to shoot them just for the principle of it.)

To be more economically fit (Ok, this one I will let slide.  But only a little.  We have been in an “economic downturn” for about 6-8 years now, and do you think it is finally the time to get your “business” in order?)

I’m not being a brat, I’m just being real.

I make a list every January of all the things I’m going to change in the up coming year.  But by about January 15, most of them are already shot in some capacity or another.

So I thought….  What would be on my get “real” list for 2012?  Here are some of the things I came up with (oh and I’m putting them out here so all of you can keep me “real” and accountable.  Bust my chops when they need it.):

  1. To quit tolerating bad behavior from others.  If someone is acting like an a$$, time to call them out on it.  So watch out, are you one of those people?  I am really tired of wasting my time on situations and people who can do better, be better, act better, and simply don’t. 
  2. Be organized.  Not in the Martha Stewart closet kind of way, but in the life kind of way.  For instance, Make a plan each day of all the things I wish to accomplish.  And DO IT!  Make a plan for things happening during the week, and working tasks to make the week move swiftly.
  3. Be healthier.  Cliché’.  I know.  But really.  Time to be stronger, fit-er.
  4. Run a 5K. (refer to #3) I’d really like to run one in March, one in the end of May, one in July, one in August, and maybe another in the fall.  We shall see.  But at least ONE. (A secret desire would be a half marathon.  Inspired by my friend Jenna over at The Puckstoppers Wife.  She chronicled her journey to run a half marathon last year.  Take time to read.  She’s a HOOT!)
  5. Eat dinner at the dining room table (that strange wooden object with stick like things around it that we throw all our “stuff” on top of) at least 5 out of 7 nights.  (see #3 again)
  6. Clean house.  I’m not talking about dusting, I mean CLEAN the CRAP out of this HOUSE.  We have stuff here in boxes, that I know hasn’t been OPENED in years.  Time for it to GO!  Take up space in someone else’s house.
  7. Get educated.  Yup, it said what you thought it did.  I made the decision, with Hubs’ full support, to go back and finish my degree.  I am so close, it is stupid to not.  I don’t think it will change anything in my day to day life, other than an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.
  8. Devote real time to doing things we love.  Like playing outside.  Working in the garden.  Playing in the pool.  Going on day trips somewhere exciting.  Spending time with people we love.
  9. Be brave.  To do some things outside my comfort zone.  Don’t know what that means yet, but I’m sure time will tell and lead me down the right path to do so.
  10. Be LESS in debt.  We all have debt.  Mortgages, car payments.  (And to me those don’t count, in regards to what I’m talking about.)  Credit cards.  We don’t have much.  But what we do have, I’d love it to be G-O-N-E.
  11. Be more devoted to this blog-o-mine.  I do so enjoy it.  I hate to admit, I simply don’t make the time to post regularly.  Awful I know.  Beat me with a wet noodle.  But it’s the “real” truth.  So I’ve told my self to post at minimum once a week.  So we shall see how that goes.  (I know I have a hidden reader that will let me know if I do not hold up to that deal… Auntie P.)

So there ya have it.  MY get REAL list for 2012.  Did you make one?  What’s on yours?

Love From the Farm Wife

1 comment:

Jenna Rowland said...

I think 3, 4 and 9 can all be combined. Running that first 5k was the most brave thing I think I've ever done. Or at least that's how it felt. I was one of the last people to finish. I was so worried about how I would "look" as I ran. And was humiliated that I couldn't run the whole thing...I had to walk for a minute toward the end. But I did it. I finished it. And up to that point had never felt more proud of myself (and brave too). Then finishing that 13.1 without walking, I was on top of the world and haven't looked down since. You can do it. If I can, you can. I promise!!