Friday, January 20, 2012

Time…… or not enough of it

Where does it go?

I looked under the sofa cushions.  Behind the chair.  And even under the rug.  And I’ll be damned, but I can’t seem to find it, or specifically enough of it.

The holidays came.  Well, flew by like a 747 jet to be exact. They started out with a trip to southern Michigan to see some family for an early Christmas extravaganza.  Oh, and some incredible bread making.  (more to come on that in another post)  Then came the rush of Lil’Dude’s #6 birthday.  (Holy Crap!  How did that happen??  He can’t be 6 already??  Yup, he is.  Whoa!) That brought on our first every “friends” party and trip to the bowling alley.  Yes, its true I bowled, and managed not to break a hip or anything. 

Then came Christmas in all its wonder, glory, and chaos.  We spent the Eve with my parents and granny, snuggled near the fire all full from a feast.  The morning of Christmas was spent at home in jammies watching a mountain of wrapping paper consume our living room.  That afternoon, we headed to Hubs’ parents for a holiday tradition of….. Chaos to the extreme.  Not really, but it sure is a sight!

We are so very blessed to be surrounded by our family, and friends, especially at the holidays.  Their love, support, and generosity is so overwhelming.

Here are some pictures of our holidays.IMG_0005IMG_0024

A new “Yoda” green reading chair for my room.  Yay!!


One of the trees and Santa at Hubs’ parents.


Family: All the boys, Our family plus an evil-ish elf that Hubs couldn’t resist adding to the picture, and Grammy and PaPa with all of the grandsons. (We will have one more next Christmas, Hubs’ brother and sister-in-law are expecting their first….Soon!  YAY!!)



“having fun”             and         “really excited”


Yes that is a bottle of tequila you see.  My father knows what I love.  LOL.  (Sister received one too, so I’m not the only lush in the family.  LOL)  And then there’s Lil’Dude.  He’s serious about NERF.

So now that the holidays are over, and life is getting back to normal, what ever that means, I’m a making a promise or commitment to be more devoted to this little blog of mine.  Look forward to see, and chatting with all of you in 2012.

Love, From the Farm

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