Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Baby, its cold outside!

So winter is dwindling down, hopefully.  But recently we had a spring-teaser.  Meaning we had a few days of fabulously warm, warm by February standards, few days.  We hit the mid 40’s for a few days.  Then WHAM!  Cold and snow.  The snow came first.  (see post below) Then a day later, a blisteringly COLD morning was upon us.

I mean so cold that you don’t even want to look at the thermostat.  Partially because the mercury is probably frozen, but also, because it’s too darn cold to go out and look.

Here are a few pictures of this blisteringly cold morning.  Cold, yes.  But boy oh boy, it sure was beautiful!






It was so cold.

Even the flag was frosted and frozen.  It was crunchy!



We will “unthaw” some day.

Hugs from the frozen wasteland, aka the Farm.

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